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Friday Report


by Mike Hays


Hi All

Not much happening on the last day of August 07...    except for those of the San Diego 3-Railers Club who are
having fun running trains all day !!!

Mike Hays

Previous Friday Reports        May  4  11  18   25    June 1   8   15   22   29     July  6   13   20   27    August 3   10   17   24

The first Pic is of the trains that ran today (Dougs, Mine and George's on top).

George's  Erie Lackawana passenger  train.

Again, George's  Erie Lackawana passenger train.

The guy in front of  Rt. 66 motel was very polite.

And, finally...  the train that ran through the 90 crossing all day without a T bone.      A day without a crash WOW!!!!!!!!!!