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Friday Report


by Mike Hays


Hi All

Another great Friday for running trains with friends and  for visitors to the San Diego Model Train Museum.

Mike Hays

Previous Friday Reports        May  4  11  18   25    June 1   8   15   22   29     July  6   13   20   27    August 3   10   17

Doug's Chesapeake & Ohio Mikado.

George ran Thomas the Tank Engine.     ( Got Milk ? )

Later during the run,  the  Troublesome Trucks  took over the train.     It ran at high speeds to the kids delight!!

After Doug arrived, I was looking around    ......  see what was lurking in the ceiling???       My, what a tangled website we weave!!

This paper building is for the Kids Club this Saturday.      They can either make the Post Office

... or the General Store.

Here's one more pic of Doug's trains.